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More or less 10 years ago I published my first video on YouTube. It was an Akai EWI version of the famous *Prelude in G major from J.S. Bach’s Cello...
Hi guys, a short post just to share with you a small trick I discovered some time ago. Every time we switch the Mini on, the breath sensor (the elec...
Personally, I don't appreciate much the current color of the Aerophone Mini. As explained below, some time ago I started literally smoothing all cor...
I have been sort of challenged by a Facebook Recorder Group moderator to justify why I shared my post about Aerophone Mini alternate fingerings for ...
Hello guys, almost another month has passed, things here in Italy are slowly going back to normal after Covid19 and my available time to the app is ...
With the Aerophone Mini, Roland wants us to use *rechargeable AA batteries only.* From the user manual: If you are using the Aerophone mini on batteri...