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Notizie Italiane sul Flauto Dolce - NIFD
Atelier for Early Music

Data Inizio17/09/2007
Data Fine22/09/2007
IndirizzoPalazzo Ricci
CittàMontepulciano (SI)
NoteEarly Music Institute of the University of Music Trossingen (Germany)

European Academy for Music and Arts Palazzo Ricci
Montepulciano (Italy)

Marieke Spaans Artistic Direction, Historical keyboard instruments
María Cristina Kiehr Voice
Carsten Eckert Recorder
Josep Borras Baroque bassoon, Dulcian
Anton Steck Baroque violin
Lorenz Duftschmid Viola da Gamba
Christian Niedling Baroque cello
Dane Roberts Violone
Edoardo Bellotti Historical keyboard instruments
Pieter Dirksen Musicology, Historical keyboard instruments

Dieterich Buxtehude - Fantasy and Virtuosity

The improvisatory character and resulting virtuosity of Dieterich Buxtehude’s compositional style are central to an intensive course, offered by staff and guests of the Early Music Institute Trossingen. The purpose of this year’s masterclass will be to discover, discuss, and explore the core of Buxtehude’s music. In the sense of ‘Stylus Phantasticus’ the organizers aim not only for spontaneous and joyful artistic exchange, but also for furthering improvisational craftsmanship and exceeding the limits of ones own fantasy to broaden our artistic horizons. The soft glowings hills of Tuscany and the beauty of the renaissance palace will be a source of continuing inspiration.
Concerts by staff and participants, as well as musicological lectures and discussion forums promise intense interaction and will complement the fascination of the musical project.

The course is for professional musicians and advanced students. It is conceived for soloists, duos and ensembles.

Course repertoire :
* Single and group tuition will focus on Buxtehude's both secular and religious chamber music including keyboard works (without pedals), and on the work of his predecessors, colleagues and followers.
* Dieterich Buxtehude: chamber music, such as trio sonatas, cantatas, sacred works and keyboard literature
* Violin sonatas by David Petersen
* Viola de gamba sonatas by Johann Schenck and August Kuehnel
* Chamber music and cantatas by Jacob Praetorius, Heinrich Schütz, Johann Adam Reincken, Franz Tunder and Christian Geist
* Keyboard literature from Heinrich Scheidemann, Nicolaus Bruhns, Matthias Weckmann and Georg Boehm

Pitch: A 415 Hz

Instruments: Harpsichords, clavichords and organ positives (without pedals)
Repetiteurs: Evelyn Laib, Carsten Lorenz, Franz-Dieter Weitz

General information
The Atelier for Early Music starts September, 17 th at 10 a.m. and ends September, 22 nd after the public final concert in the evening.

* Registration: Please enrol until 15 th June 2007 with the attached form. After receiving your registration, and course fee (until July, 15 st ) we will send you a confirmation and further information.
* Course fee: 195 € (active), 135 € (passive); in case of withdrawl after August, 15 th a handling fee of 50 € will not be refunded. No course fee for students of the University of Music Trossingen.
* In case of too many applications for a single class, active participation will be limited by individual selection. Passive participation is always possible.
* Accomodation (special conditions through an agency in Montepulciano, depending on availabilty, prices per person/night): Apartment (double-room from 20 €, single from 28 € upwards), Hotel (double from 45 €, single from 60 €). Please specifiy your wishes on the application form.
* To book an accomodation a downpayment of 50 € is necessary. (The downpayment will not be refunded in case of withdrawl from the course.) The rest of the payment is due in cash.

Staatliche Hochschule für Musik Trossingen
Institut für Alte Musik,
Schultheiß-Koch-Platz 3
D-78647 Trossingen
Phone: +49 (0) 74 25 / 94 91-52
E-Mail: AlteMusik@mh-trossingen.de
International bank account:
IBAN DE46 6435 0070 0000 9178-87
Data inserimento: 2007-03-19
Data ultima modifica: 2007-03-19

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