John Coltrane's solo on Giant Steps played on a plastic recorder - Jazz recorder - Flauto dolce

Music videos

Barbarogue presents

Attempting the Impossible
John Coltrane’s solo on Giant Steps Played with a Plastic Recorder

Five years ago I tried the impossible: playing all eleven choruses of John Coltrane’s solo over Giant Steps with a recorder. At the time I wasn’t satisfied with the results: too many glitches on my end, and the tempo was still slightly below the original. Time has passed and I have grown wiser: the imperfections of my performance are a testament the complexity and the difficulty of the original solo, so I decided to publish it anyway.
I hope you'll appreciate the effort!

Giant Steps (John Coltrane)
Gianluca Barbaro, recorder
26 Settembre 2015 - Milano - Italy

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Barbarogue presents

Attempting the Impossible

John Coltrane’s solo on Giant Steps Played with a Plastic Recorder

Five years ago I tried the impossible: playing all eleven choruses of John Coltrane’s solo over Giant Steps with a recorder. At the time I wasn’t satisfied with the results: too many glitches on my end, and the tempo was still slightly below the original. Time has passed and I have grown wiser: the imperfections of my performance are a testament the complexity and the difficulty of the original solo, so I decided to publish it anyway.

I hope you'll appreciate the effort!


Giant Steps (John Coltrane)

Gianluca Barbaro, recorder

26 Settembre 2015 - Milano - Italy

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